Following Michigan High School Graduation Requirements guidelines, César Chávez Academy High School challenges their students to aim higher and dream bigger. Each student at César Chávez Academy High School is required to take:
English (4 credits)
(1 credit) - English 9
(1 credit) - English 10
(1 credit) - English 11
(1 credit) - ​English 12
Art Credit (1.0 credit)
(0.5 credit) - Fine Art I
​(0.5 credit) - Fine Art II
Science (3 credits)
(1 credit) - Biology
(1 credit) - Earth Science
​(1 credit) - Science Elective
Mathematics (4 credits)
(1 credit) - Algebra 1
(1 credit) - Algebra 2
(1 credit) - Geometry
(1 credit) - ​Senior Math
Physical Edu + Health (1.0 credit)
​(0.5 credit) - ​Physical Education
​​(0.5 credit) - Health
Electives (6 credits)
(1.0 credits) - Elective 1
(1.0 credits) - Elective 2
(1.0 credits) - Elective 3
(1.0 credits) - Elective 4
(1.0 credits) - Elective 5
(1.0 credits) - Elective 6
Social Studies (3 credits)
(1 credit) - United States History & Geography
(1 credit) - World History & Geography
(0.5 credit) - Economics
​(0.5 credit) - Government or Civics
Foreign Language (2 credits)
(1 credit) - Foreign Language 1
(1 credit) - ​Foreign Language 2